Sunday, November 11, 2012

A cold is a harsh mistress

Some colds flagellate
Excited metabolisms off beat
A cow's reddened teat

We've been building up Resistance since
the days of pyramids
shuffling feet in the hot sand
singing rock and roll to the Band

Then a little bug makes its debut
smaller than a scarab it needs no preview
of throaty soars and body ills
of runny noses and cascades of pills

"If my Louis Vuitton dehumidifier didn't break down"
He said with firm conviction,
"This winter I would have steered clear of the flu."

But when warm, humid airs fill the space of our hemisphere,
Cloudy masses mix
tricks are played on tricks
There is no longer time to play on a wave of positive happiness
No time to sing for sunshine in the morning

Trembling or not I will board your ship to uncertainty
pleasure or not I will feel from the steaming engine
But by the end of your journey I hope to place my spittooned
Bug on your poached egg

Surely I will look at the mirror with glassy, red eyes
open my treasure chest in search of bursitis,
meningitis or a case of great-god-o-mightis

If only that humidifier had dehumidified what watery
molecules brought broth into my lungs
I would be singing sexy arias
As the ladies flutter their silk hand held folding fans.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

To Percy Beth Shelly

I don't wish to rest; my dreams have the power to poison sleep.

Why is it when I rise that a wandering thought pollutes my mind? You're asking me???
It is always THAT wandering thought, that ONE wandering thought that pollutes my mind and
not any other. But it is the same with you. Reading this you're looking at that thought, like a gnat, a fly,
buzzing in front of thou face. Don't try to shoo it because it is yours, after all, a prize thought; super-welter weight. Go for the full 12 rounds before

you "feel, conceive or reason, laugh or weep".
This may seem a long distance to go, even if it means that you can
cast your cares away.

I too wished to squeeze my foe and woe away
I too wanted to chuck, as one does worn beach or lake rocks
so that they hop over the water's edge

Don't say it's the same. It is not. "for be it joy or sorrow the path
of its departure still is free".

If you believe in true love, and your sentiments for your love's departure
is joy, so be it. There is even the departure when you go buy a can of paint
and you find it, thus feel joy. Then you get home you find out that the same
paint was $l2 less at another store. And that is worse than sorrow.
So then you have to go back and see the manager and only if he or she is "free" may
you get an audience to debate the possibility for a rebate that may free you soul and fill it
with joy or sorrow.

Ok, I've heard this closing couplet before, "Man's yesterday may ne'er be like his morrow;
Naught may endure but mutability!" He you got it down really good, I think, and I talked to
my pals too that agree. If you put on a clean shirt one day and then put on the same shirt -cleaned- the next, it will never be the same. Just the act of ironing makes it that the wrinkles will never be in the same place. Like a fingerprint. Wearing the same shirt is like wearing a new fingerprint everyday. So Shelly, I don't know if you were looking at creases of your high collar but you were right! The only steady thing in life is lasting change and that makes it steady.

Christian Dior

Oh once I wondered
So much and little

Oh twice me thought on how
Big and how small

Only on thrice did me think if
T'were t'was something in the middle

Something like nothing
Not shaped at all.